
A marked map of Glencairn, including Cairnwood and Bryn Athyn Cathedral and surrounding roads.

Map Key:

★ | Main Entrance
A  | Bus passenger drop-off (best for senior citizens)
B  | Tour bus non-event parking
C | School bus passenger drop-off and parking; tour bus event parking
D | Mini-bus passenger drop-off (best for accessible, skilled drivers only)

From Cathedral Road turn right at the top of the hill into the Glencairn Museum lot.

Accessible parking for the Museum is located near the entrance to the building. To reach the accessible lot, turn right from Cathedral Road into the main Glencairn Museum lot. Continue through the lot curving to the right. Follow the accessible parking signs to our main entrance, turning to the right before reaching Cairnwood Estate.

Bus Parking

From Cathedral Road turn right at the top of the hill into the Glencairn Museum lot (A). After passing through the gates turn to the left and stop. This is the best place for passengers to disembark.

Please note that buses cannot turn around directly in front of the building due to a low clearance and narrow covered drive.

Accessible parking for the Museum is located near the entrance to the building. To reach the accessible lot, turn right from Cathedral Road into the main Glencairn Museum lot. Veer left and continue through the lower lot curving to the right. Follow the accessible parking signs, turning to the right before reaching Cairnwood Estate. Stop in the driveway before reaching the stone paving and unload your group. This route requires that the driver back the bus out the narrow drive and is recommended for skilled drivers only.

After your group has disembarked, you must park your bus down in the lower parking lot of Glencairn Museum (B) or at the Cathedral Road lot (C). Bus drivers are welcome to join the group tours at no charge with our compliments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call 267.502.2990 before or during the tour and ask for Leah Smith.